I had to use the ajax to download a file internally on our NestForms project. I was searching for a solution and found one on Filamentgroup website.
Unforutunatelly, there were some issues that it did not correctly encoded the request. So I had to update the script in order to make it working. See the code below. I hope that it will help you solve your problems.
jQuery.download = function(url, data, method){
//url and data options required
if( url && data ){
//data can be string of parameters or array/object
data = typeof data == 'string' ? data : jQuery.param(data);
//split params into form inputs
var inputs = new Array();
jQuery.each(data.split('&'), function(){
var pair = this.split('=');
inputs[inputs.length] = $('<input name="'+ decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) +'" type="hidden" />')
.val(decodeURIComponent( pair[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")));
//send request
jQuery('<form action="'+ url +'" method="'+ (method||'post') +'">'+'</form>').append(inputs)